Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Most Exciting Invention Ever!

Recently I was sent a Net Zero 4G Hotspot to try out, and then share with all of you.  It could not have come at a better time.  With my husband's illness and preparing for the holidays, we are spending a lot of time away from the house.

My son and I have had to sit at the hospital for hours at a time, one day we were there for over 18 hours.  Do you know how hard it is to find things to do with a toddler for that many hours?  That is why many of my recent posts have been about items for the car, or to use when waiting at appointments.  If I find things that work for us, you bet I am going to share them with you!

I have a cellphone, but can not afford a high data plan.  Also I am sorry but I hate typing anything more than a text on those touch screen buttons.  I am not sure how some of you do all of your online stuff on them;)  So many times I had to skip blog posts, or wait to do my banking etc.. until I got home.  Well now that I have my Hotspot and Net Zero Broadband, everything is different.

I am able to do my blog posts, check emails, online shop and more all from the comfort of my car...or in the sand at the park :)  The hotspot is the size of a cocktail coaster, and does not weigh much more, so it is easy to take everywhere.

It takes seconds to connect to the internet, and the connection is as secure as the one you have at home. Actually if you get a hotspot, you do not need one at home anymore.  You can do all of your online needs with your Net Zero Hotspot.  You have the ability to connect up to 8 wifi enabled devices, isn't that amazing??!!?  All I can think about when using mine, is why couldn't they have invented this sooner?  Especially when I was in college, and had to hand write my papers at the library or on the lawn, and then go home and spend hours typing it all out. (For you younger readers...I went to college in the 90's before lap tops...can you imagine the horror??!)

Now I know what you all are thinking...this device does sound great, but I don't want another bill or contract to deal with.  Well that is what makes Net Zero so appealing, there are NO contracts or commitments.  They don't just say this, they are serious.

Right now their 4G Broadband service is available in 80 cities, with more on the way.  They have a few data plans to choose from, including a free option.  Yep free!!  They offer you the chance to test out their service for free.  Another feature that I love about their service, is that you have the ability to adjust the speed of your connection.  By using a lower speed (when you are doing things that do not require a high speed connection, such as downloading a video), you are able to save yourself more service for that month. (their plans are calculated by MB/GB usage).  I will not lie I do not know much about these things, however I can tell you that their service works just as well at a lower speed.

My Net Zero Hotspot and service has taken such a weight off of my shoulders.  It gives me so many more options while I am out.  My son and I can watch movies, sing along to Elmo and Yo Gabba Gabba (one of my son's favorite things to do...luckily he does not realize how bad my voice is yet), pay bills, etc...

We all have so much to do, why not find a way to make things easier?!  That is why I am so excited about the fact that I get to share this gift with one of you!!

One lucky Little Orso Reader will win $300 worth of Net Zero Products and Services. (4G Hotspot and 3 months of service).

There are a few requirements needed to win; you must be at least 18 years old, and must live in the United States.

Winner: Denise Pupo 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

 **Disclaimer- I am part of the Mom it Forward blogger Network. Mom it Forward and Net Zero partnered in support of this campaign.  Net Zero compensated me for participation in this campaign.  However, all thoughts and are my own.


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