Wednesday, December 5, 2012

"Around The World The Trip Begins With a Kiss..."

I have not had the opportunity to travel to that many places yet. I like to watch shows and read books about other places, so I can get a taste of what these other countries have to offer.  I always joke with my husband, that "I will be right there, I am in Spain" (or whichever country I am currently reading or watching something about).

The main reason that I want to travel now, is to share the world with my son!! Is there a better gift??

I was over at a friends house last week, and their kids were playing with the coolest thing called Little Passports.  I had to immediately contact the company, and find out everything about Little Passports.

Little Passports is a subscription program, where you get a new package every month (just like my favorite Kiwi Crates).  The first month you will receive a suitcase filled with all of the items that you will need to start your travels.  There will be a letter from the two main characters (Sam and Sophia) that you will be traveling with.

Each month after that Sam and Sophia will send you a package with letters, souvenirs, and photos from the next area that you will be traveling to with them. The items in these packages are really good quality, and very educational.

Getting mail is always fun, especially when it is filled with letters and gifts from friends.  What a fun way to teach your kids about the world, and get them excited about learning! Your kids will be waiting by the mailbox for the next package to arrive.

My son is still a little young for these, they recommend ages 5 and up.  I would agree with that recommendation, unless you have a 4 year old that is showing interest in learning to read.  I seriously want to order these for myself :)  They are just so cute, and I love things like this.

They have two programs the World Edition for ages 5-10, and the USA edition for ages 7- 12 years old.  Although I really wouldn't put an age limit on these. (Ok secretly I am going to change it to 7-36, so I can get them).

Next you decide whether you want to get a 3 month subscription, 6 month subscription, 12 month subscription, or go month to month.  They do offer a discount if you sign up for a subscription.  With all of their programs, you can cancel at anytime.

I can't tell you how cute these are in person.  The kids that I visited with were so into them, and so excited about what they were learning about. This is definitely a gift that you should recommend to a relative that wants to get your child something special for the holidays. This gift will not end up in the toy chest by the end of the week.

Little Passports gave me a special deal to share with Little Orso readers, get 10% off your subscription by signing up with this link, and using code DEC10 at checkout. Hurry this offer is only good until the end of the month.

Bon Voyage:)

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