Monday, December 10, 2012

"Unexpected Goodbye"

As you all know I like to feature great resources for families that have lost a child.  These resources can't bring your child back, but they can help comfort you.

I found a lot of comfort through reading books, written by others that had lost a child too.  I felt like I knew them, and could relate to almost every page of the book.  You don't want anyone else to feel the pain of losing a  child, but there is comfort in knowing that you are not alone.

This last year has been very exciting for me, because two close friends wrote books about losing a child.  I am so proud of both of them.  The first was written by my friend Lori, and it is called Wandering Purgatory.  We featured it here.

The second book is called Unexpected Goodbye: When your Baby Dies.  My friend Angela wrote this book, and just recently released it.

Angela lost her beautiful daughter Charlotte in May of 2010.  Just like everyone else that loses a child (me included), she immediately looked for some sort of guide to tell her what to do next.  There really isn't a protocol for what to do when your child dies.

I felt lost when she died. I felt adrift at sea and incapable of being rescued. I wanted someone to take my hand, tell me what to do and walk with me as I learned how to live without her. I wanted a written guide, but such a thing didn’t exist. I wrote Unexpected Goodbye to help other parents who lose babies.

In the short time that this book has been out, it has already gotten a lot of praise.  I can't wait to start reading my very own copy.  

I am so proud of the friends that I have met through this journey, we didn't let our loss (in some case losses) hold us down.  We all are doing great things to bring awareness to pregnancy and infant loss.  Hopefully in the future, it will not be such a taboo subject.  At the very least I know that families suffering this loss, will now have a guide to turn to.

Angela has been gracious enough to give us a copy (e book- it is only available in this form as of right now) of Unexpected Goodbye, to give out to one Little Orso reader.

You only need to do 2 things to enter.

2.  Leave a comment below with your name (just first name and first letter of your last name)

The winner will be picked tomorrow (12/11) at midnight pst, and announced the following morning on our Facebook page.

Even if you have not personally lost a child, consider entering and giving the book to a friend or family member that may have suffered this loss.  There is no greater gift than remembering their child.