Thursday, April 12, 2012

Soft Soft Skin:)

We have featured Aden and Anais products on here a few times, including a post about my favorite Dribble Burpy Bibs.  Most people know them as the company that makes the swaddle blankets, that are draped across most celebrity strollers.  The company was started by a mom that could not find swaddle cloths as soft as the ones that she had back home (Australia).  A few years later, and they now have a line of spectacular baby items...

Their latest item has me really excited.  Besides being obsessed with baby stuff and purses, I love skin care. I like to try everything new, and when I have a second to myself (barely happens these days) I like to do masks and hand scrubs:)  I seem to be passing on my love for skin care and bathing to my son, because I can barely get him out of the tub.  When I do finally get him out, he loves putting lotion on his skin:)  This is why I am so excited about the new Aden and Anais skin care products.  They have hair and body wash, ultra gentle lotion, and soothing ointment  (made with paw paw fruit).

All products are for baby and mom (and dad..), and are free of parabens and petroleum oil.

I was in a baby store this weekend, and they had the ultra gentle lotion on the counter to hands have  felt good ever since. (almost like my pre-baby hands...before I washed my hands a thousand times a day;) )  I can't wait to go back and stock up.

Have any of you had a chance to try any of these products yet??

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