Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Please Read ♥

I am sorry that my posts have been a little sporadic lately.  My husband (Daddy Orso), is currently battling melanoma.  If you would like to read about his story, or join his fundraiser here is the link:


Please do not feel like you need to donate anything!!  Joining the event shows him that you are sending good thoughts and prayers, and believe that he can beat it!!!

I love to share things that I love, and want to buy or already own on here.  However my favorite thing is to share things that make life easier, or even better safer!!!  My good friend, Michelle, shared this link with me yesterday and I wanted to pass it on.


It discusses which sunscreens are great, and which are actually more harmful to use.  Please please please read it, and buy one of the ones on the good list.  I don't ever want to see another person that I care about battle this horrible illness!!!

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