Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Giveaway Time #2

The second item that we are giving away today is a pin from Angel Baby Pins.

The winner can any pin that they like.  Meaning you can choose the colors, the cause, what the angel holds etc... Please check out her page for other options.  There are quite a few to choose from.

This giveaway ends at 11:59pm pst today 10/16/12.

The winner will be announced first thing tomorrow morning.

To enter you must like Angel Baby Pins on

Then leave a comment below with your favorite number.  If there are duplicates we will pick a name from a hat.  We have a special number in mind.  You can leave the comment anonymously (meaning you do not log in), but if you do please put your first name and the first letter of your last name in the comment. (ie Carrie D)

The winner will be randomly picked used random.org.

Good luck!!

***This Giveaway is now closed the winner is Michelle Averett Ramirez*** 


Anonymous said...

19. Julia D

Anonymous said...

Jen F - 7

Anonymous said...

tanya 14

Anonymous said...

Allie- 1

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

whoops forgot my name Jennifer W

Anonymous said...


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