Monday, November 26, 2012

Lost Lovey :(

If your child is attached to a certain "lovey" (stuffed animal, blanket, doll etc..) then this post is for you.  I have always been a huge stuffed animal fan, and would be heart broken if I lost one of them:(

My son has a few animals that he is already attached to, and every once in a while they fall out of the stroller or out the car door (you know that pile of stuff that falls out when you open the door to get them out).  We have been lucky so far, and noticed every time.  However I am sure that there will come a time when we won't be s lucky.  I dread that day:(  That is why I was so excited when I saw this great service and product. 

Lost My Lovey is an online lost and found service for children's toys.  They have set up a "classified like" site, where you can post ads about lost or found loveys.  It is free to post, and you can post as many times as you like.

They also make these great tags, that you can attach to your kid's toys. The tag is custom embroidered with your phone number, and a special id number. These tags help you get back your loved item.  I love this idea so much.  I have found so many stuffed animals, dolls, and blankets at the park and on walks.  I try to leave them somewhere safe that they can be found, but I would love to be able to call the owner.

They also have a replacement section just in case you can't find your missing item, or if you would like to buy a back up item.  I also like this section for locating a toy from your childhood. They have great resources to help you find those hard to find items.  I know there are a few toys that I had growing up, that I would love to get for my son.

I am so in love with this site...I am one of those people that believes that stuffed animals come to life;) hehehe Like Toy Story:)  So the idea of losing one makes me so sad. 

I figured with all of the holiday traveling going on right now, it was a great time to share Lost My Lovey with all of you.  If you have a child that is attached to one lovey, I suggest you head over and get some tags today!!


  1. That is a GREAT resource!! We've lost many a lovie in our time!

  2. As a 13 year old who has now been going on nine days without the stuffed dog she has slept with for 12 1/2 years, it can be very hard to lose your animal...I can't sleep without him. I thought he was in the house but now I'm getting paranoid...
