Thursday, April 5, 2012

....of the month club!!

I have always wanted to join one of those monthly clubs, like beer of the month, meat of the month, cheese of the month, fruit of the month, potato chips of the month... But I always end up talking myself out of it!!  For one I don't need to encourage my chip addiction anymore than it already is:)

However I think I may have recently found one that I will actually sign up for!! Tee of the Month Club by Babesta.  For one year (or the time frame that you decide on)  you will receive a new onesie or t- shirt each month.  They promise they will send the newest and coolest items they have, and to adjust the size each month according to your child's size.  I figure I buy my son at least one new shirt a month, and we all know that we always find extra money for our kids.  (My son's wardrobe is better than mine has ever been, even when I worked full time in fashion.)

I'm thinking this is a great baby shower, or birthday gift!!  We all buy kid's clothes, and then a few weeks later they grow out of them.  This gift guarantees a year of enjoyment:)  It is a little costly year is $290, 6 months of tees is $150, and 3 months is $75... However think of how much excitement it will bring.  I know other people are as obsessed with mail and packages as I am...right??!!

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