Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Love, Love Love...

There are so many things that I want right now, that I thought it was time for one of my love, love, love...posts:)

Love 1= A Storybook Pendant from Kayce Jones Designs.  Her stuff is all beautiful, and handmade by a mom of two.  This one however is my favorite.  I plan on ordering one very soon...like today:)

Love 2=  Child's Own Studio.  This is a website where children's drawings are turned into stuffed animals.  I love this so much.  My son is still a little young to create anything but scribbles, however I was thinking of making something for him.

Love 3= Design A Mosaic.  With Mother' s and Father's day coming up, I thought this was a great idea to share.  You choose a main image (the one that you want to see), and then you send a bunch of your home photos to them.  They take your photos and arrange them, so they make up the main image.  So cool!!!  Now just to decide what image we want to do...

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