Friday, March 2, 2012

Hayden's Helping Hands

The best part of doing this month long feature on infant loss, was learning about new resources that I did not know about.  I asked fellow BLMs (Baby Loss Moms) to share their favorites.  Places that helped them through their loss, things that inspired them, and people that made them not feel alone on this horrible journey.  What surprised me was what a huge impact the newer smaller organizations were making.  This just teaches you that the tiny drop in the bucket does make a huge difference.  If you have been thinking about starting something new, whether it is infant loss related or not DO IT!!  Because it is does make a difference!!

Today's feature (the last one of this special month) is an example of this.  They are a newer smaller organization, but more than one person shared them with me. They are called Hayden's Helping Hands, and they help infant loss families financially.  They are based out of Oregon, and started in December of 2010.  What most people that have not lost a child do not realize, is that we still have to go through labor to have our children.  We also are sent home from L&D with a bill just like that of a live baby's birth.  Obviously nothing hurts more than losing your child, but having a financial reminder doesn't help with the healing process.

Rebekka and her family started Hayden's Helping Hands, after losing their daughter at 32 weeks.

My wish is to not be defined by the great sadness that I feel but to be a better person because of the experience I have been given, no matter how unwelcome this experience is. This is possible and I wish it for all parents who experience child loss.

Hayden's Helping Hands has 6 board members, and they have already successfully become a non-profit.  Their goal is to help families in Oregon pay off their hospital bills.  In the short time they have been around, they have already helped so many families with this expense.
When a family bears the pain of having a stillborn, the confusion is endless, the anger is unforgiving, and their arms are empty but the medical bills still arrive in the mail. The purpose of Hayden's Helping Hands is to raise money through fundraising and sponsorships to pay for or help pay for those bills. This financial assistance is intended to be a preemptive strike to another round of heartache over unpaid bill collection efforts. The delivery medical expenses for a stillbirth can cost upward of $8,000 without insurance.

If you have lost a child and want to see if you qualify for help from Hayden's Helping Hands, or you want to contact them about starting something similar in your state, or to make a donation (or just to ask a question):

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