Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Miscarriage Blankets and More...

Today's feature is about the compassion that Angel Moms feel for each other.

Tiffanie, the owner of Miscarriage Blankets and More, lost her own daughter in February of 2008.  After coming home from her own heart wrenching loss, she started to feel sorrow for friends that had recently experienced miscarriages. It bothered me how little they had to remember their wee ones. I had a dress, a blanket, a whole box of things the hospital gave me. They had nothing. So I made my first miscarriage blankets then. One was for a 4 week loss the other for a 12 week. Seeing how it helped them I wanted to help more people and I started selling them on ebay. I've since left ebay, added to my wares and started a website.

Her Miscarriage Blankets give families something to hold on to, when they have nothing else. When you lose a child, the few items that you have to remember them by are like treasures. For many these blankets are visuals for how tiny or big their bean was at the time of loss.  

The blankets are all handmade, and you can pick the color or colors that remind you of your angel.  Tifannie also offers other items that can go along with your blanket, such as a matching hat, a date or name dangle, a memory box for your blanket.  Her prices are very reasonable, and a portion of every purchase goes to charity.  When she isn't making blankets, she also makes memory boxes and hats to donate to local hospitals.  She actually takes one day off a week to make them:)

As if that was not enough, she recently started a second website called Kaitlin's Angels, named after her daughter, where she gives things away like her beautiful memory boxes.  Keep an eye on this site for special events and giveaways!!

You can contact Miscarriage Blankets and More at:

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