Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A Little Thunder!!!

Today I am featuring a smaller organization. They are small in the sense of location, not in terms of work or determination.  I had debated featuring non-national organizations, but there are so many local organizations that are making a huge impact in their area with the potential of going national.

This "little one" is called A Little Thunder.  They donate comfort boxes to The University of Kansas Hospital.  The owners of A Little Thunder, Ryan and Pam Bryson, lost their son Isaac there in March of 2011.  They are a newer local organization, but their determination and presence has already gotten them noticed in a big way within the infant loss community.  They are working on getting their 501 (c) 3 (it would make them a non profit), and planning on opening a shop on their site too.

Leaving the hospital with empty arms after the birth of a child is so painful. There is an ache that only a mom who has experienced this can even remotely comprehend. Pam's arms still sometimes ache when she thinks about holding her sweet Isaac.

Losing a child to miscarriage, stillbirth, or early infant loss is a tragic and shocking life-changing experience. A family's world has just been turned upside down. Having experienced both multiple miscarriages and stillbirth, we felt a great need to offer some kind of comfort to the families (moms and dads) who leave the hospital with empty arms. Our Comfort Boxes will provide some very basic comforts to fill the empty aching arms.

A Little Thunder will be holding an online auction starting February 28, 2012...check here for details on how you can take part!!  They have a lot of great infant loss items included, so this is a great way to buy something special to honor an angel and to support a wonderful organization!!  Hurry the auction only goes until March 4, 2012!!

You can reach A Little Thunder at:



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