Friday, February 24, 2012

I Will Hold You In My Heart Forever - A Baby Book for Little Angels

When I lost my daughter I decided to finish her baby book.  I remember sitting there in tears, realizing that there were so many things that I could never fill in.  Instead of being a beautiful memory, like it is for a live child, for me it was a way to "rub in" everything that we would never get to experience with her.  I remember wondering if I was the only one that wanted to make a baby book for a child that barely lived, and if other families that had lost their child struggled with this too.

Then one day I saw a wonderful post in a support group...a baby book made specifically for our angels!!  At the time Michelle, the creator, was still developing it.  By June 2010, they were released!!  Finally there was  way for us to remember the life they did live, instead of using a book that emphasized all the life they missed out on!!

Michelle had been working on her baby book for her daughter, when she had a moment like I did.  She realized that she wanted one for her son Tyler, that she had lost in March of 2006 (to Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome ).  During my mat [maternity] leave with my youngest daughter I began filling out her baby book and when I put it back on the shelf I was devastated that I did not have a book for my son. Wanting to have a proper baby book for him that would serve as a memorial of his short life, I decided to create and self-publish. "I Will Hold You In My Heart Forever - A Baby Book for Little Angels". 

Her book is used by many now, including hospital bereavement groups and support groups.
Having been through the grief of losing a baby I know more than anything that people want to talk about this precious baby that was a major part of their life. Bereavement professionals who have looked at my book feel that it helps mother's with the grief process and I have had a lot of positive feedback as well.

You can order your own baby book at their website:
You can also learn more about them at

Forever Heart Publishing (Michelle's company) has also been nice enough to offer Little Orso readers a special deal.  If you mention "Little Orso" at checkout (put it in the company field) you will receive a 10% rebate on your book.  They will refund 10% off your purchase back to you through Paypal. (their cart will not allow them to do promo code at checkout)

***Also if you get a moment check out the the Bereaved Parent Network, started by Michelle's father on LinkedIn. It is for parents and family members to be able to share resources, and connect with bereavement professionals.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful. I also had this problem with my first son. I was able to find a very small paperback book to fill out for my son which was nice to have. When I lost my second son also the hospital provided a beautiful baby book specifically for pregnancy and infant loss. I immediately tracked down the seller of the books and bought one for my first son. I still (10 years later) enter information in the books when some little detail comes to me I had previously missed.
    The authors name is Rebecca A. Niestrath (Speranza Publishing) and she also has a baby book written for parents of children that have to be in the NICU or are very ill. It is meant to follow the child through the first 5 years but also has space in case the child passes. It is also good for multiples.

    As a side note I am tempted to order a couple of these for my babies...the more memories the better.
